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  Corruption in Pakistan - What to Report

Anyone who believes or has evidence that integrity violations may have occurred or is occurring related to any financial activity prejudicial to the interest of Pakistan should report that information to the Transparency Watch Organization.

Allegations may be reported with attribution or anonymously. However, anonymous reports are much harder to investigate as it may be more difficult to ascertain the truth, anyone making an allegation is encouraged to provide some means that will allow Transparency Watch Organization to communicate with him or her.

Transparency Watch Organization (TWO) strictly honors confidentiality, and will not reveal the identity of any allegation or source of information without express authorization.

To report allegations, please provide as much information and detail as possible, including who, what, when, where, why, and how. For example

  • Who do you think committed the integrity violation? Who else was implicated? Who else might have been involved?

  • What happened? Describe the events fully and using as much relevant detail as possible.

  • When did it happen? Provide dates, time, and how many times.
  • Where did it happen? Include not only the city and country, but, if possible, an actual address, the name of the building, the office number.

  • How does your allegation relate to anyone? Was staff involved?

If you have documents, photographs, or other physical evidence of the alleged fraud or corruption, please send that information to Transparency Watch Organization, either with your report or separately.

Help and make Pakistan corruption free country.

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