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Welcome to Transparency Watch Organization


"Transparency Watch Organization is the global civil society organization leading the fight against corruption. It brings people together in a powerful worldwide coalition to end the devastating impact of corruption on men, women and children around the world. "Transparency Watch Organization mission is to create change towards a world free of corruption." Transparency Watch Organization develops tools for fighting corruption and works with other civil society organizations, companies and governments to implement them. The goal of Transparency Watch Organization is to be non-partisan and to build coalitions against corruption.

Aim and Objectives
  1. To provide every possible help to needy / deserving peoples and members.
  2. To establish vocational training centers for male and female.
  3. To establish home for women of village.
  4. To provide possible facilities on uncertainty events /emergency.
  5. To establish educational, coaching centers and library for children of the members.
  6. To provide financial assistant to poor peoples and the members.
  7. Any other social services provide to the members of association.
  8. To provide free funeral facility and ambulance service to the members.
  9. To organize different programs for the betterment of the members.
  10. To establish the health care centers for poor and needy peoples and help them through dispensaries, hospitals, and provide medicines free of cost or lower charges to the poor person.
  11. To liaise or get affiliated with any non political, Non-Sectarian, Non-Profitable Voluntary organization. To get affiliated with any other international welfare association / organization / pressure group / NGO as a Transparency Watch Organization and also with any other National Welfare / Organization / Pressure Group or any others Public Interest Organization with an aim to promote Transparency in all issues of Public interest.
Area of Operation
The scope of the organization / society activities shall be the whole Pakistan.
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